In order of importance of course
- Temple with Chase 4:30pm
- work for Inthinc (4 hours)
- Drop Penny off at groomer (4:00pm)
- Drop junk off at DI
- Spend my Kohls Bucks (SALE TODAY)
- get packing boxes from Smiths
- Pack Pack Pack
- Collect Comcast payments from my neighbors
- Cancel comcast starting in May(We're MOVING!)
- Work at Western Wats (if I can convince myself)
- buy some new "G's"
- Change address with Post Office
- laundry
I LOVE lists. I make a variety of lists every day, but my favorites are "To Do" lists. The sad thing is, I could have probably checked off a few of these things if I would have just done them instead of analyzing and ordering it.
i was JUST telling travis how i thought maybe i should buy some new "g's"...and i was asking, "how do you know when you need new ones?" mine are kinda getting way stretched out and thin...yeah it's probably time. maybe i'll follow your example and actually buy some now!
ps) i haven't bought new ones since first getting that too long? i need your wisdom :)
You haven't bought new ones since you first got them?! WOw I am impressed! This both of our second set since we got married and we've been married six months less than you! Mine aren't worn out yet but we have a problem with them staying white. Especially Chase's...its embarrasing, they are gray. If yours are wearing out I'd say its time, but what is your advice about washing? Ours will never get to the point of wearing out because they look so bad way before that.
try oxiclean. it works really well.
i don't know maybe ours are pretty white because i wash them separately. we have a little laundry basket just for "g's" and they go in their own load - other than that i don't do anything special other than maybe oxyclean when i have it. trav is still wearing some from his mission!! maybe we are way too extreme. we need to take a lesson from you guys :)
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