Pregnancy is so weird.
Seriously how come nobody tells you about all the crazy things that happen
to your body when you're pregnant? Some good, mostly not so good.
The belly growing is kind of fun-and I tease Chase that I'm a vampire because I have an incredible sense of smell. As long as I'm not smelling anything very strong its ok, otherwise I have to hold my breath or head to the bathroom. As far as the "not so good" pregnancy symptoms go I think the list spans broader. For instance, the leg cramps in the middle of the night aren't really that funny...neither is the waking up 1-3 times each night to pee. I thought those were both third trimester plagues but I guess I'm blessed with them early. The hormone changes give Chase whiplash I think. I do my best to moderate my emotions because I know its probably just the estrogen. Of course there is the occasional faintness, varying levels of nauseousness, puking sprees with little or no warning, and worst of all: FOOD IS DISGUSTING! On one hand I am hungry ALL the time, but nothing sounds good and I can only eat half a meal before I feel like I'm going to lose it. Within the hour I am starving again.
Enough complaining. Honestly, even with all the weird symptoms it is more fun than uncomfortable to be pregnant. I love thinking about our little baby all curled up safe inside my belly. Hopefully soon I'll start to feel him/her swimmin' around in there. Call me crazy but I'm actually exited to "look pregnant" to other people. Right now I just think I have a baby bump and my family makes fun of me because they don't think I do. 
14 weeks 3 days
P.S. Here are two big ones that I forgot. Suddenly I have all kinds of allergies plus my nose is stuffed up all the time and worst yet-MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT!!!
What other weird/quirky symptoms did you guys have?
you do have a baby bump and its super cute! I remember having to pee and getting leg cramps the first trimester. thats all supposed to go away in the 2nd trimester and them come back again in the 3rd. who knows though.
That bump is coming and then one really look pregnant. But now you are in the 2nd tri! Yay for that and hopefully feeling better. 16 weeks was my magic number so hopefully you start feeling great soon!
You look great! Being pregnant does have it's ups and downs by far. Each one is different too. This second one of ours has been a much easier pregnancy on me and Shane. Good luck with everything.
I love th bump! I wish I was that Cute when I was pregnant! The joys of pregnancy, you forget about them after you have the baby and that is why you have more! :) I hope you feel better! I remember smells got to me so bad. I felt so bad because I could not be around neal because his deoderant made me gag! Had to buy all new stuff! :)
You're so cute! All of those symptoms sound very familiar! :) I hated eating too. I was so hungry and had to eat or I'd throw up but nothing ever sounded good. Either that, or I always wanted home made food...but I didn't want to make it. I found salads and smoothies to be good and crock pot meals, as long as you do it in the garage so it doesn't smell. :) I'm excited for you!
cute belly!! yeah the peeing gets better in the 2nd trimester...sometimes i make it without even waking up...i love that! but it'll come back. dang. i was lucky to never get leg cramps but i have heard they are terrible. i also have a really keen sense of smell, my nose is always runny when i'm pregnant, and my hair is falling out this time too! it was crazy - with max, all the sudden, i didn't lose ANY hair until like 6 weeks after he was born. it was great - my bathroom counters stayed so clean! i was hoping that'd be the case this time but nope! you are lucky that food doesn't sound good to you because so far with both of my pregnancies i want to eat anything and everything! ugh!
okay and for the scrapbooking, i use photoshop elements. i started out with memory mixer (probably similar to the creative memories program) and liked it but i like how with PSE i have a lot more creative freedom. plus, all of the freebies out there are easiest to work in PSE as opposed to memory mixer. thank goodness for digital scrapbooking though! i can't wait to see some of your pages when you catch the scrapbooking bug :)
Here's a little note for future references. Apparently most women who pass out during sealings are pregnant. Elizabeth decided to add herself to the stats today. So just be wary in the future.
Definitely a baby bump! You're just too cute! Miss you guys SOOO much!
Ha! Leah, you skinny thing! You look just great! Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'd say the only "showing" you're doing is with that radiant mommy glow you've got going on! Don't worry though- one day you'll wake up and just totally look preggo... I swear it happens overnight! ( : I hope you'll be feeling better soon! It really is such a trip, huh? Different for everyone... Enjoy it while it lasts though - it really is such a special time. And it'll all be worth it - trust me! ( : Love you guys!
oh you look so cute...I love the little baby bump. There is def one there. haha! You guys will be the best parents. I would get really sick at night a couple times and had to nibble on saltines so I wouldn't throw up. I didn't want to throw up and I never me lucky I guess haha. Smells got to me too and I could only eat half of my meals and then an hour later I'd be huungry again. I would go to the BlueBird and get baked potatoes almost everyday for a week bc I wanted it right then after work. Funny things that go on when you are preg. I also noticed that things that aren't normally a big deal became a really big deal. it was pretty funny! I loved it tho!
You have such a cute blog! I loved reading it! Just F.Y.I. Leg cramps can mean you are lacking potassium... so eat a banana! It has helped me tons!
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