Chase, Dad and I took a trip to the hardwood dealership last week (is that what its called?) to admire grain size and width, hardness, and natural color of the various hardwoods. This was a special trip to pick out the species of wood Dad would use to build our cradle. It is a tradition that started in our family when Brian was born. Dad built a cradle from scratch and when Jade and Kyle had the first grandchild last year my parents decided it would be a tradition to make a cradle for each of their children's first baby. Tayler's cradle turned out so beautiful that the tradition might have turned into an incentive to have kids. Ok not really but seriously, how beautiful of an heirloom will this be?!
My parents have always joked that I have expensive taste. (its just a good thing I also got my Dad's frugal side) When we walked into the shop and saw the 52 panels of different finished hardwood samples on the wall, I immediately ran up to one and said "This is my favorite-look how beautiful it is, would this be a good, hard, wood for a cradle?" The woodworker smiled and said "Oh yes, that would make a beautiful cradle. Macassar ebony is very hard so it will last generations, it is an exotic wood but it would not be toxic for a baby." I was so excited! I had walked into this place with no clue as to what color of wood or grain size I preferred but found one that I loved so easily! "How much is it?" I asked. The woodworker laughed and replied, $96.00 a square foot." Dad, Chase, and I all laughed right along with him. The other beautiful (although much less exotic woods) cost between $3-8 a square ft. I guess I proved my parents right. We sure did have fun admiring all of the beautiful types of wood in the shop. Chase and I narrowed it down to 4 different types of very beautiful (yet much more affordable) species and are going to go next week to look at stain colors. Thanks Mom and Dad, for offering to make this beautiful cradle for our little babe on the way.
Tayler's cradle-made of Red Oak. Beautiful, huh?!

That will be so cool to have! The one pictured is really beautiful. And having expensive taste is hard when you are on a budget! Trust me...I know!
um. i vote every kid and one favorite cousin gets a cradle. sounds fair, right?
what an awesome family tradition and heirloom! so unique and it definitely will last for ever. beautiful, i'm excited to see yours completed!
What a fun tradition! Can't wait to see the finished product! How are things going? How long till we know if it's a boy/girl?
Wow! your dad's got talent! I know your's will turn out just a beautiful! Congrats again!
That is such an amazing gift! You can keep that forever! :)
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