We loved the animal towels each night. Jenny our stateroom attendant was the BEST!

This was called the "Lovers and Couples Party" There must not have been any lovers on the ship because it was just us and the live band...and the Virgin Pina Colada.

All ready to go to Cozumel!

We met a couple of Lamanites and wanted to get a picture with them

We took a Catamaran sailboat out from Cozumel for snorkeling and a private beach.

So cruises are great because 1. You get to lay out in the sun staring at the OCEAN ALL day long on comfortable chairs without sand. 2. You get delicious food anytime you want. 3. You walk out of your room and BAM=FUN.

We also spent a lot of time trying to get creative with pictures

How could
anyone think that this was created by accident?
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