I couldn't have asked for a better birthday. Chase made it so special with surprises all day; breakfast in bed, presents, flowers at work, dinner, and fun with friends at night. The next day my mom and dad came down for the weekend! It was so much fun to show them a good time in Logan. We even took them to an Aggie Basketball Game-against BSU! They LOVED it. Friday night we got to have dinner with the Taylors. Chase and I love every chance
we get to have our parents all together.
Thanks to everyone who helped make my birthday weekend so much fun! I love you guys!
P.S. I got a Wii FIT for my birthday! Chase (and Penny) was so excited that he got the soccer high score that he had to document it.
ahh! happy birthday! here's what a bad friend i am...i remembered your birthday on like the 12th and thought to myself "oh, i need to remember to call leah!" so then i don't remember to call you till like the 20th and then i still forget. i feel horrible but i want you to know that i did think of you for your birthday but i just put off calling you and that's that. i confess. but i hope you had a great birthday - it sounds like it was wonderful!!
Sorry I never got a hold of you on your birthday! Hope it was great! And we also love Tony's...especially Ryan and he literally puts it on EVERYTHING! We even bought a Tony's jumbalya mix and he had to add more to that. Crazy boy! Hope you guys are still doing great!
Happy Birthday Leah. Glad it was a great day. Love ya!
Happy Belated Birthday, Leah! Sounds like it was a great one :)
Happy birthday late! I'm glad to hear that it was great!
Happy Birthday! Wish we could have done something cool together to celebrate. We were thinking it would be fun to go to a basketball game together soon up there. We miss you guys! Glad you had such a great birthday.
I just left you a message on your guacamole post becuase i'm weird and thought it was all the same post. I figured it out though, and so you can look at my other comment. haha
Happy Late birthday Girlie!
Happy B-Day Leah! We hope it was a great day for you, and go Aggies!
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