First of all, thanks for all of your "Congrats" and well wishes, it means the world to us!
I can't tell you how excited Chase and I are about this baby!
I don't think I am a very patient person.
I'm only six weeks along and I feel like eight more months is forever away.
Our due date is March 10th.
All I want to do is read, shop, and think about this baby
but how much is there really to talk about at only six weeks?
I mean honestly, I can't even put up a pregnancy ticker yet
because it looks like a little bug larvae, not so cute yet.
We had an early ultrasound this week and got to see our little baby.
(Really our baby was just a little dot inside of a lima bean, but what a miracle it is to see!)
Up until yesterday I have been feeling great besides being very tired and hungry all the time.
I even kind of wished I would "feel" more pregnant.
Well my wish came true. Smooth textures, any smell, and pickles are not so good-
and I have always loved pickles.
It is amazing to me that being pregnant can affect your sense of smell and taste so strongly.
Any tips for morning sickness?
So far I've been just trying to always have some food in me because it hits the strongest when I get hungry.
I will do my best not to turn my blog into a play by play of my entire pregnancy but I hope you don't mind if I tell about an occasional strange symptom every now and then.
Like I said...I'm excited.
Besides baby news, lots of other exciting things are going on.
My sister Tiffini is getting married in October in Nappa Valley, CA.
She is marrying John who is just the nicest guy.
I think they are a great couple and they are so happy.
We have been busy bridesmaid dress shopping and making travel plans.
Well, thats us!
dont ever apologize for writing about your baby because I LOVE IT! when you become a mom, you realize its all that really matters- so it consumes your whole life. You are going to be the best mom! I cant wait to hear all of your little pregnancy stories. Morning sickness was the worst for me- if it gets REALLY bad the doctor can get you some medicine for it- but I never realy liked taking it. Although, it does help. Gosh those days seem so far away I can hardly remember what I did to help it- I just remember having the worst headaches ever and so the best thing was smoothies and massages from the hubby. You will love Chase more than ever and hate him more than ever too during this pregnancy- dont worry its normal. Its just the hormones. Ok I'm writing a book now- just know I love ya and I"m thinking of you!
We are so excited for you! I don't mind reading about your baby stories at all. 8 months will go fast and slow. Just enjoy it and try to get through the sickness. It does go away I promise!
i love it too!!! i hope you talk lots about your pregnancy/baby because it is the happiest thing in the world and it's so fun to share it with everyone! i am pretty lucky and don't suffer too much from morning sickness but this pregnancy was worse than max's. what i did with both was just make sure my tummy was full on small snacks and that helped a ton. if i ever got too hungry, that's when the nausea was the worst. just WILL get through the 1st trimester even though it'll take forever it seems! your pregnancy will go by so slow and then you'll wake up and your baby will be 15 months old and you'll wonder how it flew by so fast. time is crazy like that!! i am excited to see you this week!!!
For morning sickness my mom always says keep saltine crackers by your bed and eat a few before you even get out of bed in the morning. I have been pretty lucky not to get too sick, none with this one. Good luck, it really does go by fast, and before you know it your little one will be walking, talking, and just growing up too fast!
I'm so excited to read about your 'little sesame seed' too so keep it coming. I will tell you something though that I wish someone had told me before, not after I experienced it. I could NOT, for the life of me, handle the smell of Brad. He didn't smell bad and I'd always loved his smell before but once I was pregnant it was repugnant. But I felt so bad about it I never let on until one night I was so sad about it that Brad wouldn't leave me alone until I told him what was wrong. Here's my advice, if it happens to you tell him. All will go much better that way, trust me.
Keep the baby updates coming! You know we're so excited for you guys. Also, who's the nerd closing her eyes and ruining your fourth of July picture? Nice.
ditto what these people said- your blog is all about you, and your pregnancy is what is going on in your life! blog about whatever the heck you want as much as you want! :) i have no advice about pregnancy, my mom had horrible pregnancies so i'm just dreading the day it comes around for me, but i'm really excited for you guys and i agree with lacey, you'll be an amazing mom!
CONGRATS!!!! I AM SO EXITED FOR YOU. We don't mind any will get me prepared for the day I have a baby!
Yeah Leah and Chase! We're really excited for you, you're going to LOVE it! Congratulations.
For the queen of morning sickness I'd call Katrina Funk. I found that ginger keeps me settled (ginger snaps, ginger ale etc) crackers, and always having something in my stomach. When it gets empty, no fun. We are thrilled for you though and keep up the posts!
Leah, I love hearing about people's pregnancies. Later it will also be fun for you to look back on the things you wrote. It's crazy what you forget.
Ginger ale, popsicles and soup are some of my favorite morning sickness remedies. I also really craved mushroom soup, but that's kind of an odd one so it might not sound good to you! Good luck and keep writing, I'll be checkin.
Hey Dev and I are coming to town in a few weeks! We will have to call you and get together! I can't wait to see you and your cute little belly! Hope you are feeling well!
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