Vacations sure are amazing aren't they?
Last week Chase and I went with the whole Taylor fam to Huntington Beach, California.
We stayed in this great beachhouse 2 blocks from the beach.
It was great because it came stocked with beach cruiser bikes, beach chairs, boogie boards...
everything we could need for beach fun!
-we had a blast!
It must be true what they say about your skin being more sensitive when your pregnant
because oh my goodness my face FRIED!
I even had a hat on half the day and the next morning I woke up swollen with blisters...oops!
The rest of the trip my whole face peeled off. You might be able to tell from the pics-it wasn't pretty.
It was an amazing cast.
Remember young cozette from the original Les Meis cast (on the cd)?
She was Elphaba! It was kind cool, she was a fantastic Wicked Witch.
I love that my husband is such a kid when the time is right.
He is going to be such a fun Dad to our little kids.
These brothers have such a great time together, I love when they get to be goofs!
Our last day at the beach they made this incredible sand city, complete with a Nephite temple.
I took this picture just now- Penny loves her grandma!
Dad took Penny on a walk every day that we were gone. I don't think she had much time to miss us!
I just love the Taylors,
it was so much fun to spend a whole week hanging out with the Taylors.
I am so blessed to have gained such amazing inlaws. I love them to death!
Lastly, our little one inch baby is doing great!
We had our first doctors appointment a couple days ago and we got to hear the heartbeat.
It is such an incredible feeling to hear my own slow and steady heartbeat
and then our baby's quick beat on top of it.
I have still been pretty sick but luckily managed not to throw up throughout our whole vacation.
I think the most frusterating part is finding food that I can eat that doesn't make me gag.
I can't wait until food tastes good again!
I'm ten weeks now...almost done with the sickness hopefully!
Sorry for the long catch up- peace!
Looks like so much fun! Makes me wish for a vacation with you guys!
If you're anything like me, the fact that you gag on everything would mean you are having a girl. :) I hope that the sickness goes away soon and that you feel better. Sounds like a fun vacation and that you guys are doing well. Glad to hear it.
Sad we missed you once again! We WILL get together soon! Sounds like your vacation was just wonderful though and we're glad you're nearly out of the "nauseous" woods :-) Sure do love and miss you both!
looks like a fun trip! when i was pregnant- chicken noodle soup, smoothies, and any fruit were a big hit for me. and yes, i've heard that the sicker you are means you're having a girl! we shall see....
Looks like a fun trip! I got the worst sunburn of my life when I was pregnant- not fun!
I do still have my etsy shop. just search for seller BeesAndBlossoms (it's case sensitive too, so it has to be just right). The shop is called Bumble Bees & Apple Blossoms.
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