Last night was our ward talent show. One thing I LOVE about Chase is that he is not afraid to be a bit goofy in the name of fun. The elders quorum presidency was supposed up come up with a talent so they got creative (and brave) and put this little number together. Have you ever seen "Three Amigos"? I had never seen it before I married Chase but it is a Taylor favorite. For those of you who haven't seen it, here is a clip of the scene that Chase and Chris did for the show. The pictures didn't turn out very well but I'll put a few up anyway.
A few of the wives in the ward and planned a little surprise at the end of the talent show also. Michelle taught everyone how to apply make up and we applied it to our husbands from behind a curtain. (its hard to explain-think of girl's camp skits) Afterwards we made them sing "I'm a little teapot" on stage. It was hilarious. Seriously-what a great sport!
Baby Update: I am 16 weeks pregnant! I have definitely noticed a difference in how I felt right around 16 weeks. Food is still sort of a pain but overall I feel so much better. Chase has been such a wonderful pregnant husband. He cooks for me, does the stinky dishes, gives me back rubs, and when I wake up with charlie-horses in my legs he helps me work them out. True love! Three weeks until we find out if its a girl or boy!!!!
Baby Update: I am 16 weeks pregnant! I have definitely noticed a difference in how I felt right around 16 weeks. Food is still sort of a pain but overall I feel so much better. Chase has been such a wonderful pregnant husband. He cooks for me, does the stinky dishes, gives me back rubs, and when I wake up with charlie-horses in my legs he helps me work them out. True love! Three weeks until we find out if its a girl or boy!!!!
Oh I am so excited for you to find out! I always love that part! I am glad you are feeling better! :) You are so cute!
I LOVE 3 Amigos TOO! Seriously huge family favorite. And Chase made such a great Amigo. So glad you are feeling better. Can't wait to see you all soon.
So sad we missed it! That would have been fun to see. When are you guys traveling down again? I'm way bummed we haven't been able to get together.
I'm 25 weeks in the photo. We took it sunday and posted the same day.
ahhh i forgot about the charlie horses! hate those! I cant wait to see some cute pictures of your belly :)
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