For those of you who guessed BOY, you were right! Chase and I are SO thrilled to be able to refer to our baby as a HE instead of "He or she" all the time. The ultrasound went extremely well and it was such a miracle to see our little boy moving around on the screen. Chase was literally jumping up in down with excitment as the nurse ushered us into the ultrasound room to find out. He was a little embarrassed when she turned her head and caught him bouncing around with excitement. I thought it was so sweet.
We were relieved to see that our baby was developing right on track. He had a healthy brain, kidneys, heart, blood flow, bladder, and he was nice and cooperative to show us his {soon to be} manly parts. It really was a miracle to watch him so comfortably snuggled up inside of me. I couldn't help but have tears of joy running down my face the whole time. I was really glad that I was too late to put on mascara that morning!
When I get a chance I will scan a few ultrasound pictures, I'm not sure when that will be though. We are back in Boise for two days of playing catch up from work and then the whole family is off to Napa Valley, CA for Tiffini and John's wedding. I can't wait! Tiffini will be a beautiful bride and I can't wait for John to be in the family officially. Our extended family is so spread out around the country so it is SUCH a treat when we have events that pull us all together. I can't wait to see everyone!
P.S. I'll try to do a quick pregnancy update with belly pics soon too!
CONGRATS!!! I love when the daddy's get so excited. Shane was jumping around and pacing the day we went in to get induced. You guys are going to be great parents! Good luck with everything.
Boys are so fun! I'm so excited for you!!
I am so happy for you! Boys are so much fun and he will be so cute! You are going to be a great mom! :)
Congrats again! And have fun at your sister's wedding! I am sure she and CA will be beautiful.
Hooray, hooray! I am so happy for you. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Pregnancy is such a sweet miracle, and so are sonograms.
Yeah! I'm so happy for you guys! I think having a boy first is perfect so that the next kids (not saying that's anytime soon) will have a big brother! Oh I'm so thrilled for you! Congrats Leah and Chase!!!!
yay! i always wanted to have a boy first. you are lucky! he will be the protector of your other kiddos. congrats!
Yeah for all the boys! Congats! The ultrasounds are amazing aren't they. Aaron is already telling me he wishes our boy was here today.
congratulations! i'm so excited for you!
Congrats! I guessed it was a boy! He will be so fun!
Yay! I can't believe it - you, Jenn, & Jenny - will all have boys within a year of each other! We can't wait to see HIM either! P.S. Thanks for the fun breakfast the other day. It was SO good to see you!
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