Once again, life shows me that I can't plan everything...and once again, I am reminded that Heavenly Father's plan is much better than mine anyway.
First the pics of our new edition, details of his arrival to come!
Chase and I happily welcomed a brand new member of our family on Monday March 1, 2010
He weighed 6 lb 10 oz
20 inches
Proud new father (Chase couldn't stop beaming)

born at 10:00 am, 6 lb 10 oz 20 inches
Welcome to the world!!!
Beck James Taylor
We are pretty biased,
but we think the is the cutest thing that we've ever seen.
I can't even tell you how wonderful it is to have this little guy around.
It is a lot of work yes, but we just can't stop staring at him!

20 inches
Beck James Taylor
but we think the is the cutest thing that we've ever seen.
I can't even tell you how wonderful it is to have this little guy around.
It is a lot of work yes, but we just can't stop staring at him!
Its funny but your whole world changes when you bring a baby into your family. It was less than a week ago that it was just me and Chase living our life. We were preparing to bring our baby into the world yes, but you just have no idea how your perspective changes once that new little spirit enters into the world.
For those who are curious, here is the gist of our experience bringing Beck into the world. It seems like its always an adventure with us! Quick background details... Chase's work benefits kick in March 1 at midnight. We've known this the whole pregnancy, but I really wasn't very worried about it since I wasn't due for a week and a half after that. Most first babies come late anyway right? I had my 38 week check up last Friday and my blood pressure was sort of high. It had been high for a few weeks but I didn't have any other danger symptoms of pre eclampsia so I wasn't concerned. It surprised me at this appointment when the doctor was all of the sudden acting like it was a big deal. In my mind, I still had 2 weeks (at least) until this baby came and I felt fine so there was nothing to worry about. They did some blood work and sent me home without much other fuss. A few hours later I get a call from the nurse saying
1. My blood pressure is to high
2. I can't get an epideral because my blood platelets are too low
3. I need to deliver the baby tonight, and she asked me what time I wanted to come in.
As you can imagine, I am FREAKING OUT right now on this phone call. All I can do is stutter that I needed to check my schedule to see when we can come in (Did I really think I could say I couldn't give birth because I had plans?!!) In my head I'm thinking:
1. I can't have him tonight, the bathroom is dirty.
2. I can't give birth naturally, I haven't prepared!
3. This baby will cost us THOUSANDS more dollars if I have him before March 1.
4. Wait, did she say NO EPIDERAL???!!!!!
To make a long story short, they agreed to let me go on complete bedrest from that moment on and monitor me closely to try to wait to deliver until March 1. So Sunday March 1 at 12:01 Chase and I checked into the hospital and they induced me. Labor went well and everyone is happy and recovering well. Now that it is all said and done, I can't imagine not having Beck in our lives for a few weeks still.
I wrote all about the details of our labor and birth experience but decided that I'd rather not post it for the whole world to see. It was such an incredible and special experience that I would be happy to tell about if anyone wants to chat about in person or on the phone.
Leah and Chase, I'm so excited for you! Beck is so so sooo cute! I think he looks a lot like Chase. Congrats to you both and I'm really glad he was able to come after March 1st. I don't know if you guys are Office fans, but you should watch the episode that aired tonight, I think it was dedicated to you. Best of luck to you guys! We're excited to see you at the wedding in June and meet Beck!
wooo I love how your countdown says he's still 6 days away! I'm so glad he's here already! Can't wait to see that handsome little baby beck tomorrow! Love you!
Oh yay!!!! I can't wait to meet him. Is it Saturday yet? I seriously have been dying! He has the most beautifully colored skin for a new born. :)
Congrats! He's a cutie. We know how it is waiting for insurance. We had Aria the day our insurance kicked in as well. But God blessed us and you! I am so happy that everything went well for you and that everyone is healthy. New babies add so much work into your life but so much love and joy as well. Good luck with everything and try to get some rest. :)
Crazy few days is right! haha I love how the first thought was the bathroom was dirty :) Even though I am sure it really wasn't (dirty or your first thought!) I love that he was born at 10 am exactly. That is lucky, I think. I am so glad you are feeling well and everyone is doing great. And did you not get an epidural?!?!
Congratulations! he is adorable. and beck is such a cute name! so excited for you!
congratulations! i'm so excited for you guys! having a baby is awesome! i love his name!
Congratulations Chase and Leah. He is adorable! Enjoy them while they are small cuz they grow up so fast. Leah you look fantastic! Congratulations!
Congrats guys!!! That is so amazing!!!! I am so happy for you and that everything turned out alright. Good luck with everything. He is quite the handsome little boy you got there. By the way, i LOVE the name!!!
good luck
We are so happy for you guys! He's adorable!! I can't believe you didn't have an epidural! I would be freaking out!!! Congrats, he's darling!
Congratulations, Leah. He IS really cute! Cute name, too. He knew how to make a dramatic entrance didn't he!! haha. Glad you're all doing well.
You guys! He's BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations! We're so happy for you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is such an adorable newborn! I can't wait to see more updates. Glad you guys are doing well. You look so amazing after just having a baby (which I'm not surprised about) :) Love ya!
Yay! Yay! YAY! We're so glad he's here and that everything worked out. Hope you're feeling well. We can't wait to see all THREE of you! :)
Ahhh Congrats! He is so cute and I'm so delighted for you guys! I think you guys are just the cutest parents and will do great!
YAY! Congratulations! I am so happy/excited for you, and that story, I'm glad we have someone who knows more about how things should work than we do. I hope all is well, and I hope to meet him someday! What a cutie!
YAY! Congratulations! I am so happy/excited for you, and that story, I'm glad we have someone who knows more about how things should work than we do. I hope all is well, and I hope to meet him someday! What a cutie!
Congratulations! He is adorable! I hope everything went as good as it could...it sounds like you are one pretty blessed girl! Oh your baby is so cute!
Leeee-aaaah! Once again, I am gasping out loud as I read your post! I swear I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen the pictures to prove it all! Little Beck is here! Oh, and he's so beautiful! Seriously, what a handsome newborn guy - sometimes they look a bit battle-worn after delivery, but he looks so great! Ohhhh, you guys are parents!! Isn't it so awesome? There's just no other love like it. What a sweet story - Heavenly Father really was looking out for you guys. Awesome. I can't wait to hear the full story, Leah! Love you guys. CHEERS to beautiful baby boys!
Awww, Congrats! He is just so perfect!
Congrats! I saw that you updated your blog and a thought to myself "Leah's getting close to her due date" then I opened it and what a surprise, he came! What a handsome boy. I love the name Beck. Hope you are recovering well and enjoy every moment with that precious baby.
He is just perfect! So happy for you guys. It really is amazing how that little person can change your life so much! You will be a great Mom.
congrats! i'm glad everything went well and he's here and healthy! he's ADORABLE! and i love the name!
what a sweet, sweet baby.
i hope you just enjoy every moment of sweet newborn time.
you guys are going to be great parents!!
(i remember being at my friend's house when she brought home her 6th baby. her 2 year old was holding him by one arm and walking through the living room... it was that moment that i realized my babies were going to be FINE. i could stop worrying-- yes, i'm still protective of my babies, but that image stays in my head when i start to worry.)
love LOVE you!! kiss that sweet boy for me!
Oh my goodness I need to see this sweet boy ASAP! I couldn't help but get emotional seeing these pictures of him. We love you all and will be dropping in soon!
what an adorable name to go with such an adorable little boy! I'm so happy that everything turned out ok and that you are healthy and happy :) CONGRATS!
congrats! he is adorable!
Congratulations!! He's beautiful, but that's no surprise. We're really happy for you guys.
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