Before the long recap of our last month, I have to show you these great pictures that my talented future sister-in-law took for us. We just love how these turned out and are proud to be connected to such real talent! Check out her blog here.

We are officially a one car family. Our trusty "gold car" that I've driven since I was fifteen has caused us a lot of stress lately. After putting $1000 when it broke down on the freeway, it broke down 2 weeks later. UGH. Luckily I only had a couple weeks of work left and now Chase just takes the car to work and I am stuck at home.
I was so anxious to be done working at Franklin Covey so I could get busy readying our house for our new arrival. Like I said in my last post, I had a "To Do" list the size of Texas and I was planning on running full speed until it was all done. shopping, cleaning, organizing, unpacking...on and on and on. I'm thinking I was too stubborn to be told to slow down though so I was forced to. I want to blame it on the unbalance and softened ligaments of being pregnant but really I was just a clutz and rolled my ankle coming down a small flight of stairs. I tried to catch myself with my other ankle and missed the last 3 stairs and sprained both ankles. Who sprains TWO ankles at a time, while being 8.5 months pregnant?!! I guess just me! I have alternated using crutches (holy painful!) and scooting around the Taylor's house on an office chair. I am just blessed that I have a wonderful Mother-in-law that so willingly took care of me the last few weeks. Here are a few silly pics of me getting around. I'll spare you the picture of my ankle eight days after the injury. Its still pretty nasty, swollen and purple.
37 weeks pregnantDespite the craziness, life keeps moving on! Here is a forecast of the exciting things in the next few months.
March 11 BABY BOY DUE!!!!!
June 5-I am gaining a very sweet and talented new sister-in-law when Lincoln and Jalene get married.
July 1 Taylors are leaving to serve as Mission Presidents in the Oklahoma City, OK mission! I have no doubt that they will be amazing out there in the mission field-I'm just really gonna miss them here!
August 21 Kaela and Garrett are getting married! wahoo!!! We love you two!!!!!
October 1 Jade and Kyle are having their second baby! Another cousin for our baby!
So many fun changes for our families. My sister-in-law Dara put a sweet update about all of their siblings on her blog. I thought it was a great idea. I need to get myself organized and update on everyone-
awww! thanks, leah! that made my day :) you're so sweet. i hope your ankle is getting better. i was going to text you tonight to ask how it was doing.
p.s. i'm so excited to take pictures of your baby boy so soon!! :)
That stuff is so exciting (well not the ankle part...that kinda stinks)! Brad's going to be excited to hear your in-laws are going to OK. He grew up there (just outside Oklahoma City)! Good luck with teh little boy! I can't wait to see him!
oh-and remember how you gave me the info for inthinc like a year ago? Well I just got hired. It looks like it will be fun. And I'm glad I can help out our grad-school fund and stay home with baby. So Thank you!!!
Oklahoma City... NO WAY!! Todd's Aunt and Uncle (The Gee's) are the current mission presidents there!! Isn't it a small world?!
sorry about your ankles!!
love you.
poor leah! I cant believe that happened to you while pregnant, that is just unfair! I cant WAIT (and I totally 100% mean this) to see pictures of your little one, and hopefully meet him some day soon :) hang in there!
How can so much happen since last time we saw you?!?! I would have brought you some treats if I would have known of your misfortune! So sorry about your ankles! Impressive though, that you sprained them both :) Your pictures are beautiful. Can't wait to hold that baby boy!
Missions, weddings, & babies! Isn't that what life's all about?! It's way better than sprained ankles - you poor thing! I can't believe that. I've had some pretty nasty sprains and they're no fun at all. So I'll pass on the "schpeal" they always give, cuz it works. :) Remember RICE = rest, ice, compression, elevation. And take 15 minutes a day to spell out the ABC's 4-5 times with your toes. So sorry about that! Miss & love you! Take care! (P.S. It was SO SO fun to see you the other day!)
Seriously, Leah. I feel so bad for your poor ankles and for the fact that you can't get you to do list done...that would make me so crazy! I am glad you have help though and that it worked out good with you not having to work too. Your pictures are beautiful! I am sooo excited for you. Hope I get to meet the little guy when we are out there! Me and Bre really want to come see you and bring his two girlfriends :) Hang in there these last couple weeks!!
Your maternity pictures look great! I was glad to get your details on the ankle injury, I was wondering how it all happened! I hope you are feeling better. Can't wait for that little boy to join your fam, he'll be here before you know it!
Oh, Leah! Your poor ankles! I was gasping out loud as I read this post! You poor, pregnant little Mama! I can understand how it happened though... I felt so absent minded and extra clumsy - especially during the end of my pregnancy (your balance is sort of screwy with that big load you're supporting, you know?) Falling was always one of my worst fears. Geez, I hope you heal up quickly and just take it easy. Don't worry about your apartment being crazy- that baby boy doesn't need a perfect tidy home or fancy little nursery! Just a little changing station and a place to sleep - heck, the carseat will do! Love you, Leah. We're so excited for your little baby to arrive! Jordan and I will be in touch during our Utah visit (we'll just play it by ear as far as visiting you goes- we don't want to be in your hair during this special time.) Take care! ps. LOVE these pictures! So sweet.
oh man, both ankles!?
i hope you recover quickly, and in time for you bundle of joy to arrive!!
Leah you look so beautiful!! Most women at 8 1/2 months look sooo uncomfortable, but you look great! I'm so sorry about your ankles, that is NO fun! Congrats, you guys are SO close!
Did you do the Icing & ABC's - I hope it worked!
Leah, I seriously laughed out loud at that post. I'm so sorry! That stinks! And yes, only you can pull that one off. Good thing that Binghams aren't checking your blog. Although I bet that Matt Bingham could pull the same thing off! I hope you are recovering quickly. I know what you mean about the to-do list a mile long. I really couldn't sleep at night till I checked something off! Hang in there I am so excited to meet this guy!
Oh leah! Both ankles! I hope they get better soon! You look absolutely beautiful. I'm so excited for you!!!!! I love birth and it sounds crazy since I just experienced it but I'm kinda jealous...I already miss being pregnant and giving birth hehe :) you'll do amazing! Can't wait to get another update!
How sad that you sprained both ankles! I am so sorry...well hopefully you are feeling better and that you are ready for this bundle of joy! Congrats again!
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