I was driving with Chase down the empty Salt Lake Avenues towards the hospital to be induced.
It was almost two weeks before my due date because of Pre-eclampsia.
It was a quiet night, and I didn't even notice the rush of cold that usually happens when I go outside
I was so nervous. So scared. not for the baby part, just the unknown of being medically induced.
Fast forward 10 hours exactly
10:00:00 AM. I looked into this angelic little creature's eyes for the very first time and to be cliche',
it WAS love at first sight.
One year later. I don't know how time passed so quickly. but I'm still in love.
...but my angelic creature is not the same teeny tiny newborn that he was a year ago.
he has grown, a lot.
We had a family party for Beck and Kyle on Sunday, and today we are just making the day all about fun for Beck. Here are a few sneak peaks of Beck at his party. He LOVED these balloons. They entertained him for a whole thirty minutes ;-)
Guess who took these great photos? You got it! Jalene!
Happy Birthday Little guy! You are LOVED!!!
Happy Birthday Beck! You sure are a cutie! Can't believe it's been a year already! :)
awww happy birthday cute boy!!
Oh that boy! That first picture of you and him gives me the chills. We sure love him. How exciting!
so cute. i love that little man!
Woohoo! Waytago, Beck! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow? He is sure to be a real heart breaker someday since he is already so handsome! Jude just turned a year and a half - seems like just yesterday I was introducing my 6 month boy to your newborn, huh?
Oh my goodness! I love all the balloons, so fun! Happy Birthday Beck!
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