luckily I'm not "curledupinbedallday" sick
Its more "getstuffdonebutstayinsweats-uenza"
And Beck, he's got "whinealittlebutmostlysnuggle-itis"
Its ok though, because my Chase, he likes cuddling with sad babes.
Well, so do I. but thats not the point.
The point is: doesn't this make your heart melt?
Luckily for Beck, his fencing skills are still unmatched,
even when he is feeling under the weather.
all photos by
He's so adorable! You have such a lovely family! xooxxoo
just came across your blog via the mom voting site :) hope baby and mommy are feeling better!
Hi Leah! Hope you and the baby are feeling better! I love your wise words on blogging! It's so true that there is a place for everyone and supporting each other is a lot better than competing! xoxoxoo
That photo does make my heart melt. Hope you feel better soon.
I'll send you a personal email shortly.
Michelle :)
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