Why hello dear friends!
I have missed this here blog.
As you might have guessed, life has been crazy.
But also I just haven't had much access to the internet for blog posting purposes.
I still don't have my computer set up, or my camera cord,
so for now, Instagram pics will have to suffice.
(If you have an I-phone, find me on Instagram! Lifelovesleah)
We are officially Kansasians- or Kansans (as they officially say)
August was kind of a hard month.
Chase was halfway across the country working his tail off,
coming home to an empty house and fridge every night
(Poor guy didn't even have a chair)
Little Beck spent the month yearning for his daddy and not letting momma out of his sight.
He could tell things were in transition, and it made him uneasy.
I (and the little peanut inside my belly) spent the month:
trying to convince myself that I had the energy to chase around a (really cute) toddler
and pack and clean a house that was way too big for us.
But in all reality, those tasks were sooo taxing on a first trimester woman.
Luckily, we had some really fun visitors to distract me
(Love you Preston and Quinn and Kaela!)
We also got to rendevoux with my honey and family in Oklahoma
which was sooo fun!
After 6 months of this (not really, but it felt like it)
Chase flew back and we had lots of help with the finishing touches of moving.
Thanks Jalincoln, Woodbriar friends, Jade, etc etc etc
My dear Mom and Kaela even drove all the way across the country to help
LOVE YOU guys!!!
On August 24 we made the long trek to Kansas
(for the second time that month)
Our trusty Uhaul treated us well,
and besides a minor incident of locking the keys in the Uhaul,
we got to Kansas City in one piece!
Since then we've just slowly but surely been making our little apartment a home.
It is definetly a (ten) step down from "the estate"
as we lovingly called Chase's parent's home that we were tending in utah,
But, it does the job.
We do miss everyone though.
It still hasn't totally hit me that we moved.
I still think to call my sister in law to hang out
before realizing she is a ways away.
I miss my parents like I haven't seen them in months,
even though if we still lived it Utah it would have
probably gone this long before visits.
We are happy with our new life so far though.
Chase likes his new job
(same company, new job)
Beck is thrilled to have both parents again,
and I couldn't be happier to have my Chase back.
and now a few pics from our life in Utah
for my viewing pleasure:

yay for blogging! and i wish you could call me to come hang out :( wahhhhhh i miss you like crazy!
what a cutie nephew i have! i hope those kansanians recognize how lucky they are to have your fun little family join them!
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