Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Family night

Everything (just about) is more fun when you have kids.
Family night is no exception.
 Last night it was Chase's idea to build a fort in our living room
and tell Beck Book of Mormon stories.

Beck loved the fort.
Chase loved the fort.

"Buzz" loved the fort too.
The achy pregnant lady didn't really love the fort.
or getting in and out of the fort, rather
I still loved the night though.

Our days as a family of three are numbered,
but luckily "fort nights" are really just beginning.
I'm so excited to have two boys.
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jalene said...

Glad to see he likes his Buzz! :)

Devilyn said...

I miss you! And I am so excited for you to have another one. I am having another one too:) This fort adventure looks like a blast. What a trooper you are. And Mac has the same pj's as Beck is wearing. Too cute. Good luck with the new baby. Love you!